In general, the primary function of CVS is to record the history of source files. 通常,CVS的主要功能是记录源文件的历史。
This software will act as a bridge so the Linux kernel can run on top of Windows; this is its primary function. 该软件将成为一个桥梁,让Linux内核可以在Windows上运行;这是它的主要功能。
The primary function of a MessageBodyReader is to read from a request InputStream and deserialize the incoming bytes into a Java object expected by the resource method. MessageBodyReader的最主要的功能是读取请求InputStream并将传入的字节反序列化到一个此资源方法期望的Java对象。
The primary function of the redo log is to record all changes made to data. 当然是记录的操作。想想都觉得直接记录数据块的变化都是一件极其困难的事情。
This is their primary function. 这是它们的主要功能。
Our primary function is still an educative one. 我们的主要职能仍然是教育性的。
Today the monastery's primary function is as a tourist attraction. 现在,现在修道院的主要功能是作为一个旅游景点。
This paper presents a method for newspaper kiosk design based on the sign system for primary function of kiosk. 在对报刊亭初始功能符号系统分析的基础上,探索符号学在报刊亭设计中的应用方法。
In the worst crisis in decades, central banks found their new wealth in conflict with their primary function of maintaining orderly markets and supporting the global banking system. 在几十年来最严重的危机中,各国央行发现,它们的新财富与维护有序市场及支持全球银行体系的主要职责发生了冲突。
In for-profit work, management has as its primary function the satisfaction of a range of stakeholders. 在营利性的工作,管理,其主要职能满意的一系列利益相关者。
A primary function of the kidney is to remove unwanted substances from the blood. 肾脏的主要作用是把废物从血液中排除掉。
The primary function of this system is to measure temperature at various locations and transmit the measured data via wireless communications. 此系统主要功能是对不同地点实行温度检测,并以射频方式无线通信。
The primary function of sealing gasket is to prevent gas from leakage. 密封垫圈的主要作用是防止气体泄漏。
The programmer contains only the primary function controls. 该种程序器只具有基本功能的控制件。
The primary function of tutors, and later of schools, was to "teach" literacy. 家庭教师和后来的学校,主要作用是教文化。
The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network ( 72) information with other BGP system. BGP发布系统的基本功能就是与其他BGP系统交换网络可达性信息。
A Study on Regional Compensation Policy as Formed through Propelling Primary Function Area 推进主体功能区形成的区域补偿政策研究
Primary function of the trade mark is to distinguish this enterprise product and other enterprises products; 商标的首要功能是对该企业产品与其他企业产品进行区分;
Administration of FTY only prior to transplantation inhibited GVHD indicating that the primary function of FTY may be targeted to host cells. 仅在移植前给予FTY便抑制了GVHD,这表明:FTY的主要作用可能是以宿主细胞为靶点的。
The primary function of Netpower, a software which can prevent the Hacker to intrude and protect the Internet is introduced briefly. 简介目前我国处于最高水平的防黑客入侵、保护互联网的强有力的安全工具&“网威”防范软件的主要功能。
Troop transport is the primary function of the helicopter, and movement of equipment and supplies is secondary. 第一职能是负责部队的运输,其次才是设备和供给。
In this paper, we represent a fast coding method under given wavelet primary function based on2-D wavelet decomposition and reconstruction. 本文提出了在给定小波基下,基于二维小波分解和重构的快速压缩方法。
A multitude of separations are accomplished by distillation, but its most important and primary function in the refinery is its use for the separation of crude oil into component fractions. 许多分离过程是通过蒸馏进行的,但蒸馏在炼油厂中的最重要和主要的功能则是它在将原油分离成不同馏分过程中的作用。
But that does not alter the fact that his primary function was knowledge and that his primary use was a practical use. 但是这样做并没有改变事实:他的主要功能就是知识,主要用途则是实际应用。
This unit can be divided into three groups on the basis of primary function. 这个组根据其主要的职能分为三个小组。
The primary function of the Will is the appointment of executor/ Trustee to execute the estate. 遗嘱的最大功能是让您能委任执行人/信托人,在您逝世时执行你的意愿。
Much like a sponge, its primary function is to bind and absorb water molecules, which creates volume in the face. 很多像海绵一样,其主要功能是结合和吸收水分子,造成弹性的脸。
The Damage: The primary function of anger is to signal that something is amiss and encourage resolution. 伤害:愤怒的主要功能是指示处某样东西不对头;
VIBROTIP's primary function is as a stand-alone multimeter for general on – the – spot measurements. VIBROTIP的首要功能是作为一种独立的通用现场测量万用表。